{ Assignment #10: The 10-minute task to keep you on track }
Exhilarated. Excited. Accomplished. Strong emotions that I feel right now after completing this task. I’m not even kidding. We are nearly half-way to the end of the January Cure. My house, especially the kitchen (thanks to the pantry reorganization), is in a bit of disarray, but I’m working towards the goal of getting my home improved. Improved, not perfect.
This assignment is designed to keep me on track and motivated to finish. I cannot stop now, because my home would be in disarray when the fruition of this assignment comes.
Today, I invited ladies to join me in my home to do a read-through of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream at the end of the month. An acquaintance also asked if a friend could stay with us at the end of next week.
I need to get my home in tip-top shape in order to be ready to receive these guests! Talk about motivation. And I’m excited.
Apartment Therapy, the host of the January Cure, does emphasize,
…its important to remember that friends are happy to spend time with you and will be honored to be invited. In today’s busy world, an invite to a gathering at someones home is too rare and is always appreciated. No one will be inspecting your home – they’ll be enjoying your company!
Do you invite people over to help motivate you to organize?